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Digestion And Indigestion Tips

Digestion and Indigestion Tips

  • Chew your food and slow down. Thoroughly chewing your food greatly assists the rest of the digestive process and slowing down gives your system a chance to keep pace.
  • Avoid large meals that can overload the system. Instead, eat smaller more frequent meals. This helps reduce indigestion and helps maintain normal sugar levels and lessons hunger pangs.
  • Drink fewer liquids with meals. Liquids dilute the acids and enzymes in the digestive process and can reduce absorption and lead to indigestion. Try to get the bulk of your liquids between meals.
  • Reduce your stress– especially at mealtime. Stress produces the kind of acids that do not help digestion and can lead to indigestion. Try not to watch TV at mealtime as this is actually a stressful activity.
  • Many times gas and bloating are not caused by excessive acids but rather a lack of acids to properly digest foods. When low levels of acids are in the stomach, food ferments and gives off gas. Taking antacids only adds to the problem. Try lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to increase acids in the stomach and alleviate this condition.
  • Enzymes are critically important for successful digestion. Raw unprocessed foods contain the highest amounts. When cooking foods, try not to overcook. Papaya, mango, pineapple and sprouts are goodssources of enzymes.
  • Probiotics such as Acidophilus provide much needed healthy bacteria for digestion and absorption. Cultured foods such as yogurt and kefir contain probiotics.
  • Garlic not only aids in digestion, but also kills unwanted unhealthy bacteria.
  • Medications are made up of chemicals and virtually all harmfully affect liver function which is necessary for healthy digestion. Antibiotics kill all bacteria in their path, even healthy flora bacteria that are necessary for digestion.
  • Ginger and Aloe Vera have a long history of easing an upset stomach and improving digestion.
  • Fiber is beneficial for digestion especially inthe case of constipation. Although fiber from wheat may not agree with some people–especially if gluten in the diet is an issue.
  • Avoid refined and processed foods. They simply don’t have much to offer. They are usually void of healthy enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins and minerals and are loaded with chemicals. The body ends up putting forth a great deal of digestive effort for little or no benefit.
  • Try the elimination method. Whenever you suspect a substance or food as a potential problem for digestion try eliminating it altogether for a period of two weeks or more. If digestion improves then you’ll know that particular substance or food is a problem.
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods. By maintaining diversity in the diet, you’re introducing a wider variety of healthy enzymes, probiotics, and other micronutrients.

Written by DMK of Seven Grains