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A Long, Harsh Winter

A Long, Harsh Winter

This Winter season has brought frigid, record breaking temperatures to Northeast Ohio. Not to mention the snowfall and accumulation! This winter has been long, harsh and challenging on us all. Even with the start of spring in sight, one never knows just how long winter conditions will last.

It seems a lifetime ago since we have experienced prolong exposure to the sun, and combined with the extreme cold and snow, it’s no wonder we’re starting to feel the affects. Colds and Flu’s are going around, and overall mood and mental health is affected too. Our featured  articles for the month discuss just that! Read about the role Vitamin D plays in our overall health and the importance of supplementing properly throughout the winter months.

There’s nothing like getting some Vitamin D straight from the source, so when sunny winter days do come along, take advantage! Barring the temperature is above freezing, go outside! Go for a short walk in your neighborhood or find a nearby trail to walk or jog. The amount of snow we’ve gotten here in Northeast Ohio has made for some great skiing conditions. A little exercise and maybe some unprotected exposure to the sun will go along way for your overall health, mood and spirit! And don’t worry too much, Spring is almost here!

Written by CB